Leren van je bazen. De totstandkoming van de metaal-cluster van Tegelen, 1855-1914
negentiende eeuw, twintigste eeuw, industriële geschiedenis, Limburg, Tegelen, Kamp & SoetenSamenvatting
Contemporary understanding of the industrial history of Tegelen is largely confined to its former ceramic industry. The local metal industry, however, also deserves appraisal. This article is a first attempt to bring together the fragmented body of literature on this topic and, by adding additional sources and theories, to arrive at new insights into the emergence of the metal cluster in Tegelen. The empirical findings testify to a development trajectory that is quite remarkable as entrepreneurs were confronted with a set of challenges unfavourable to economic growth throughout the formative years of the industry. These challenges included: the absence of essential raw materials; a lack of specialised knowledge available in close proximity; and limited accessibility due to a variety of issues related to the (extra)regional infrastructure. In view of these bottlenecks, the article sets out to answer the following three research questions: Why did the pioneering entrepreneurs choose Tegelen as their place of business? How did they manage to overcome the challenges on their path? And which factors and dynamics ultimately led to cluster formation? In answering these questions, close attention is paid to the Kamp & Soeten firm - the first and for a long time the only metal company in Tegelen. During its monopoly position, which lasted no less than 33 years, Kamp & Soeten helped create the conditions for a new branch of industry to flourish in the Tegelen region.

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